BlazeBlogs is getting a makeover…

I don’t think I want to keep this site up the way it currenlty is. I thought about entirley taking it down, after all no one really reads it, and I’m not sure I need to have a PUBLIC permanent record that speaks direclty to the future. I also don’t feel like maintaining it, and also filtering what I want to say. But I suppose on the off chance that I ever say something worth saying again, ill leave the site up for that, but im changing whats public right now.

The Makeover

I literallly dont know if makeover is one or two words. anyway, here it is

April 12, 2024

Should you use a VPN?

Screen and Browser Information (If you don’t see much here then your browser or an extension is blocking some or all of the javascript i’ve written, good!) I personally think that info above is pretty spooky for just anyone to have. Of course its not that big of a deal for something like amazon to have, obviosly they will need to know where you are browsing from. And of course, your screen size, that will be relevant to any streaming service that wants to know what size movie they can show you....

December 24, 2023

Social Media's gotten kinda foul

I don’t regularly have instagram on my phone, I usually only download it to do someting specific, like post, or reply to a message, or something like that. But I swear every time I have downloaded it, it gets more and more toxic. The biggest thing that bothers me is just how polarizing all the posts are. Maybe I was just in an echo chamber when I was younger, but now it just seems like every post has some absolute war going on in the comments....

September 3, 2023

A cinnamon roll recipe I tried

Today I tried a recipe that I found online. It’s actually the second time I’m trying it, and its the second time its been bad… When I woke up I was craving whatever the flavor of this cinnamon roll is, so I tried to give it a second chance. It was just as I suspected… It hit the spot, but god it is not a cinnamon roll. The recipe calls for flour, greek yogurt, and protein powder, all mixed together to make a dough....

August 14, 2023

Thoughts on Subway Surfer?

I am congested, sorry. Also I sound very mean, I swear I’m not. Here’s a little thing about the use of video overlays like Subway Surfer or Family Guy over online content. I think I’m generally against the idea as it feels like a disctraction but by the end of this I started to wonder if having a small distraction like this might be worse than fully focusing on the video, but still better than all together losing interest in the video?...

July 9, 2023

Podcast on Stoicism

Here’s a little segment that includes my thoughts on stoicism, how it is used as a means to financial or material gain, and how that might be contradictory to the foundations of the philosophy. It’s a lot of rambling, but I didn’t want to type it all out so this is what we get mwahhhahahah.

June 25, 2023

Healthy or concious?

Recently I was thinking about when people make health decisions, like to cut out carbs, or to go vegan. Often they say they feel pretty good. On the other hand there’s often the argument that “you don’t want to be skinny, you want the feeling that you think you’ll have when you’re skinny” which I think is pretty interesting. Obviously not everyone is making health decisions to be skinny, but it seems across the board that it generally seems to be a positive thing for the peope making the change....

May 23, 2023

Contemplating normalcy

The other day I was driving home and I was thinking about how normal I feel. I feel like on average I assume that I’m smack in the middle of the bell curve (I haven’t added a comment box yet so you all can’t tell me where you think I fall, I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life). Anyway, my point with this is how predicatble I feel becuase of this....

May 16, 2023

Stoicism in Social Media

When I was a sophomore I took a class called biopsychology where I sat next to a girl writing her honors thesis on philosophy in American media. I have since lost touch with her but I still thing about her ideas regularly. One aspect of philosophy that her and I particularly discussed was stoicism. It’s an aspect of philosophy that has taken over, at least in my circles. I frequently see it present in gym culture, a subculture I spend a fair bit of time in....

April 28, 2023